
Wednesday, 3 July 2013



I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! June was a really bad month for me, I was ill on and off, fed up and feeling quite down really. I found myself not being interested in anything, including make up.. so obviously I thought I was dying. But I'm back and I've been to Boots!
A few of the items are ones I've been wanting for ages, others were needed and the rest were just so friggin pretty that I just bought them ok!

I'll start with Clinique bottom lash mascara. After reading a million amazing reviews on this mascara I really really wanted it, but I kept telling myself I didn't really need another mascara, but turns out I did. I love it. You can pick this up from most Boots for £12 in either black or brown.

Loreal 3 in 1 Purifying Micellar Solution For me this product is one of the most perfect things. I literally just sat in bed, took my make up off and put my moisturiser on. No water, no faffing around in the bathroom while my boyfriend waits patiently for me, you seriously just use this on a cotton wool pad and it takes every bit of make up off for you. A more popular Micellar solution is Bioderma, but I seriously can't see me ever buying that now I have this one as I don't think it could do that much of a better job. This product used to be £4.99 but it's now £3.33, so it's crazy affordable.

VO5 Heat Protect Styling spray I've never really been wowed by any heat protectors before, and I've tried plenty! But recently I had my hair cut and coloured and after every hair cut I make the promise to take proper care of it. This wasn't a recommended product, just one I haven't tried before and is very affordable.

Essie Nail Varnishes at the moment Boots has a ''buy 1 get the 2nd half price'' offer on most beauty brands, which includes Essie. Obviously I took advantage of the deal and picked up two of the new Summer shades for 2013. I picked up 'the more the merrier' which is an amazing vivid lime green colour, the other shade is 'the girls are out' which is the most vibrant fuschia with the slightest shimmer running through it.

Barry M Confetti Top Coats until today I had never heard or seen these before. The only part of make up shopping my boyfriend is interested in is nail varnish, he actually picked these up for me. Looking closely at the tiny little strands of confetti, it reminded me of one thing only, ice cream sprinkles! How summery is that?!

And that's it for this mini haul. I will be posting again soon, I won't disappear again! But I would like to say a big thank you for all the viewers who kept checking my blog while I was M.I.A.

Have you tried any of these products? What do you think?

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