
Thursday, 4 September 2014

How To | Speed Up Nail Growth

First things first, (I'm the realest) I'm a serial nail biter. I can go without biting my nails for months, and they grow so long, I completely love them and being able to paint them. Then all of a sudden, I'm stressed, and they're gone. As it's so predictable I decided to buy all sorts of things that would ensure my nails grew back strong and quickly! I bought loads of nail strengthening varnishes and all sorts of other varnishes, some are pretty good too! Mostly the Sally Hansen ones. But the thing I believe made the biggest difference is Sea Kelp. You can buy tubs of these by the hundreds in Holland and Barrett's. They don't taste very nice and they smell pretty funky, but one green tablet 3 times a day has made the biggest difference to my nails. They're not expensive and they also have other benefits, so nail biters, go go go!

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